Use "reestablish|reestablished|reestablishes|reestablishing" in a sentence

1. Seeks to reestablish Apriorism on Weberian foundations

2. We need to go shallow to reestablish communications.

3. He's reestablishing some of the ancient rituals of traditional roman religion.

4. Brighten guides women through reestablishing hormonal balance and reclaiming their lives

5. Meanwhile, in 425, he reestablished peaceful relations with Liu Song.

6. Jehovah’s people returned to their homeland to reestablish pure worship.

7. It will be reestablished in the French West Indies in 1802.

8. This helped Gabriele abandon his immoral conduct and reestablish his relationship with Jehovah.

9. The same year Dabany returned to her motherland and reestablished herself in Libreville.

10. Chaozhou City was abolished five years later, and reestablished again in 1979.

11. Colorado Cultivars is reestablishing industrial hemp grown in the United States focused on research and development

12. The dense PFCs prevent the endexpiratory collapse of alveoli and reestablish functional residual capacity (FRC).

13. When disciplined, David humbly admitted his error and reestablished his relationship with Jehovah. —Ps.

14. The Apanages were reestablished by Napoléon I and confirmed by Louis XVIII

15. In 2013, parts of the former special administrative zone was reestablished as Xaisomboun Province.

16. Ruptures of the patellar tendon are rare injuries requiring acute repair to reestablish knee extensor continuity.

17. Li Mi was later killed by Tang forces when he tried to reestablish his own independence.

18. Following a military coup on 28 September 1961, Syria seceded, reestablishing itself as the Syrian Arab Republic.

19. The altar had been reestablished and the foundation of the temple had been laid in Jerusalem.

20. Rosas reestablished his dictatorship and formed the repressive Mazorca, an armed parapolice that killed thousands of citizens.

21. Later, when they were reestablished as a nation, they again failed to show proper fear of Jehovah.

22. Tuscaloosa took part in the relief expedition to reestablish the station before the onset of winter.

23. The Soviet Union seized Bessarabia in 1944, however, and the territorial arrangements of 1940 were reestablished

24. Hamilton and Washington presented the country in 1794 with the Jay Treaty that reestablished good relations with Britain.

25. The aneurysmatically altered brachial artery was resected and blood flow was reestablished by interpositioning reversed autologous saphenous vein.

26. We need a work vacation or two every year in order to reorient ourselves and reestablish our sense of perspective.

27. July 20 – Cuba and the United States reestablish full diplomatic relations, ending a 54-year stretch of hostility between the nations.

28. 12 During the latter part of the 19th century, after a long period when religious apostasy prevailed, pure worship was reestablished.

29. This tour, which always includes stops in two different countries, is designed to help Afrikans in the west reestablish their psycho-spiritual

30. Set up in 1887, its Central University status was reestablished through the University of Allahabad Act 2005 of the Parliament of India

31. The German high command responded by despatching troops to hold the line, but these forces were far too weak to reestablish a front.

32. Whites believed that they had to confiscate black people's guns in order to reestablish white supremacy and prevent blacks from fighting back.

33. 27 This religious reform involved absorbing the Confucian classics, establishing court academician of Confucian classics and reestablishing sacrificial rites of the state, and so on.

34. Ban Chao, Chinese general and colonial administrator of the Han dynasty (206 bce–220 ce) who reestablished Chinese control over Central Asia

35. Conte’s decision leaves Italy with no straightforward path to reestablishing a workable government, all while the country tries to manage the pandemic’s health crisis and a vaccine campaign

36. Michael fights to reestablish divine justice; he defends the People of God from their enemies and above all from the arch-enemy par excellence, the devil.

37. THE TOWNS OF ROMAN BRITAIN JAMES OLIVER BEVAN With the confessor, the tumult ceased, and silence was reestablished; everyone Conjectured and wondered—the king was confessing

38. South Korea severed ties with South Africa in 1978 in protest against apartheid, and full diplomatic relations between the two countries were not reestablished until 1992.

39. In the realm of telephone conversations, we can compensate for the interruption by reestablishing context: "I was just asking about Dave's bank details, could you tell me his credit limit?"

40. This Crusader state lasted from 1204 until 1261, when Byzantine rule was reestablished in Constantinople and limited portions of the former Byzantine empire were also retaken

41. Considering the significant investments many Aquarists make in establishing and maintaining their aquaria, disinfecting and reestablishing a system in which mussels have not been observed may not be a realistic expectation

42. Beuthen), town in *Silesia ; in Germany until 1945.There were probably Jews living in Bytom before the *Black Death (1349), but the community disappeared; it was reestablished in …

43. 14 Our purpose is clear: By preventing the Taliban from reestablishing a stranglehold over the Afghan people, we will deny al Qaeda the safe haven that served as a launching pad for 9/

44. Anabolic Reload is a blend of supplementing every single normal supplement and natural substances that viably pervades the circulatory system in your body to convey and reestablish sound dimensions of free testosterone

45. Beuthen), town in *Silesia; in Germany until 1945.There were probably Jews living in Bytom before the *Black Death (1349), but the community disappeared; it was reestablished in 1655–59 by Polish Jews

46. Cultivars may help to reestablish plants like the American Elm (Ulmus americana), pictured left, or American Chestnut (Castanea dentata), pictured right, that were nearly wiped out by Dutch Elm Disease and Chestnut Blight.

47. A method of reestablishment of camshafts consists in building-up only those areas of the cams (2) which are worn out beyond admissible limits, to obtain a layer slightly exceeding the final reestablished dimension.

48. Apostolic, Latin Apostolicus, plural Apostolici, member of any of the various Christian sects that sought to reestablish the life and discipline of the primitive church by a literal observance of the precepts of continence and poverty.

49. Reporting on a meeting of 500 priests in Fátima, the paper says: “According to the prelate, it is necessary that the priest frees himself from an endless number of activities so that he can reestablish exclusively his position as ‘herald.’ . . .

50. At the end of World War II, Quiberon was present at the Allied reoccupation of Singapore, and spent the period until February 1946 operating in the East Indies to help reestablish Dutch control, move troops, and repatriate prisoners-of-war.

51. Benin is a stable and peaceful country that has maintained more than two decades of democratic governance, with the 2016 presidential elections marking the sixth peaceful turnover of power since democracy was reestablished in the early 1990s.

52. As Hendershot concludes: "In Freud's theory, the paranoiac withdraws from the world (decathexis), directs his or her Cathectic energy to the ego resulting in self-aggrandizement, and then attempts to reestablish a Cathectic relationship with the world in the form of a delusional system" (31)

53. The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC; Ukrainian: Українська автокефальна православна церква (УАПЦ), romanized: Ukrayinska avtokefalna pravoslavna tserkva (UAPC)) was one of the three major Orthodox churches in Ukraine.It was reestablished for the third time in 1990, right before the fall of the Soviet Union.

54. As the character of Lester in Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanors famously Aphorizes, "If it bends it's funny, if it breaks it's not." Much like comedy, metalepsis relies for its effect on strong divisional walls that can be reestablished as soon as the laughter dies down

55. Restoration period, or Charles II furniture (Carolean), brought the English furniture tradition back into line with European design movements and reestablished the connection between furniture and architecture in an emphatic, often extreme manner, after the years of Puritan austerity in the 1600's and represents the beginning of the English

56. Concordat of 1801, the French.—This name is given to the convention of the 26th Messidor, year IX (July 16, 1802), whereby Pope Pius VII and Bonaparte, First Consul, reestablished the Catholic Church in France.Bonaparte understood that the restoration of religious peace was above all things necessary for the peace of the country